Sipapu Season Pass FAQs
2024/2025 Season Passes
Did the prices increase over last year?
No, all pass prices have remained the same from last year.
Which pass should I choose?
Use this handy quiz to help you decide.
How much will Sipapu lift tickets be next season?
Lift tickets are available solely online, and use dynamic pricing based on availability and demand instead of a set window rate. On peak days, you may see rates go over $100, and conversely on non-peak days you may see rates between $10-$31. The earlier you lock in your ski days, the less you’ll pay. Visit our lift ticket page for details.
Why should I buy a season pass if lift tickets will be so low?
A season pass remains the best value for anyone who will ski at least 6 days. Power Pass resorts do not require reservations for passholders, which means you have the freedom to ski whenever you want. Plus, a pass means you don’t have to pick your dates in advance and lock them in early to get the best rate, like we suggest ticket purchasers do.
Don’t forget: when you use our no-interest payment plan, your monthly payments may be less than the cost of a single lift ticket.
Plus! There are lots of perks to being a passholder. Check out our Passholder Benefits page to learn more.
With Which Passes Can I Ski Chile?
The 2024/2025 Power Pass and Power Pass Select both include 7 FREE interconnected days between Valle Nevado and La Parva ski resorts in Chile. That means you can ski at one or both (They are connected! So you could ski both in one day!) resorts for 7 total days in their 2024 ski season. View all benefits here.
What’s the Weekday Power Pass?
New! The Weekday Power Pass grants weekday access to all U.S. Power Pass Mountains. Choose from 1 up to 5 days of weekday skiing all season long and select the days that work best with your schedule (Monday through Friday) for the whole season.
EX: If you select the Weekday Power Pass, then opt for 2 days, you could choose to ski Mondays and Fridays at any US Power Pass resort all season long, or Tuesdays and Thursday, or any other 2-weekday combination.
Blackout dates: Saturdays, Sundays, 12/27/24, 12/30/24, 12/31/24.
Can I upgrade my Pass?
Yes! Email [email protected] before the end of October 2024 and upgrade your pass at the same tier price for which you originally purchased your current pass. Please note that your current pass will have to be paid off in full before an upgrade can be completed.
How much are lift tickets or Sipapu season passes for kids?
FREE – kids 12 years and younger at the time of purchase are eligible for a totally FREE season pass – no strings attached, no blackout dates, and no purchase required.
Simply select the Power Kids Pass when purchasing tickets and passes, and select the free shipping option. The Kids Power Pass is valid at Sipapu Ski and Summer Resort as well as all other Power Pass resorts and mountain bike parks.
What are the passholder’s rules and responsibilities?
Read more about pass holder rules here.
2024/2025 Season Pass Payment Plan
How many months will it take to pay for my pass this way?
This is an automatic monthly payment plan. The number of payments – and number of months – depends on when you purchase your season pass. All payments are complete on December 1.
It’s important to purchase your pass by the 14th of the month to maximize the number of payments you have, and to lower your monthly payment. An initial payment charge occurs at the time of purchase. Thereafter, equal monthly charges occur on the 1st of every month until payment for the pass is complete on December 1. Learn More about the Pass Payment Plan
Can I update my credit card online?
Yes, you can update your credit card information right here.
Is the Sipapu pass payment plan an option for all season pass products?
Can I use the Sipapu pass payment plan on anything else, like rentals or ski school?
No. At this time, the payment plan is only an option to purchase season passes.
Do I have to wait until my pass is paid in full before I can use it?
No. You may begin using your pass after the initial payment. As long as you are making the monthly payment, you can use your pass anytime. Should you fall behind on your payments your pass will be suspended. Payments that are declined may be charged a $20 administrative fee per incident
Purchasing and Receiving Your Sipapu Season Passes
How will I receive my pass?
Passes are available for pick-up at the resort this summer. Please call or email us at [email protected] to verify when your pass will be available.
I’d like to talk with someone about my season pass. Who can I contact?
To speak to a knowledgeable Sipapu team member, please email us at [email protected].
Where can I buy my season pass?
Season passes are available for purchase online. To select and buy your season pass, click here.
Can I use the same photo as last year?
Ages 17 and younger need a new photo every year. Anyone 18 years and older may use their old pass if it has a passport-like photo and meets our photo criteria. When renewing season passes you may use the same picture and the same pass!
What is the Season Pass Payment Plan?
The payment plan gives you the convenience to enjoy your season pass immediately while paying for it over time. When you choose the payment plan, there is no interest, and your pass price is divided into equal monthly payments. Equal amounts are automatically charged on the 1st of each month. By December 1, your pass is paid in full.
Learn more about the pass payment plan.
What Do I Need to Pick up My Pass at Sipapu?
You will need to bring proof of age and ID to pick up your pass at the Ticket Window.
Season Pass Refunds
Is my Season Pass refundable?
Season passes are non-refundable unless you select the “Season Pass Refund Option” at time of purchase. Learn more about the Season Pass Refund Option.
How Do I Request a Season Pass Refund?
Send an email to [email protected] with an image, scan, or attachment that includes the required documentation of meeting one of the listed conditions for a refund.
What does the “In-season (pro-rated)” portion of the refund policy mean?
If a qualifying incident occurs in-season, we will refund 90% of the cost of your pass minus the daily ticket rate for each of the days you used your pass during the season. (Essentially, your pass cost will cover day tickets for the days you used it during the season, and you will be refunded the remaining amount.)
Pass Benefits
How can I start skiing now on my 2024/2025 season pass?
With our Buy Now, Ski Now option, you can start skiing immediately on your new 2024/2025 season pass purchased in the spring of 2024 If you want to use your pass right away, do not select free shipping at checkout. Instead, come to the ticket window to pick up your new pass.
How do I receive my pass benefits, like discounted tickets?
Many of our passes come with benefits, including discounted lift tickets (six tickets discounted 35% off the online rate) and on-mountain discounts. These discounts are available for online redemption starting winter 2024/2025. Read about season pass benefits.
How can I redeem my buddy tickets?
Your six 35% off tickets included with the Power Pass, Power Pass Select, or Power Pass Core will be available for online redemption. For the Power Pass, Power Pass Select, and Power Pass core, tickets may be redeemed online for Snowbowl, Purgatory, Sipapu, Pajarito, Sandia Peak, Nordic Valley, Brian Head, Willamette Pass and Spider Mountain. For My Weekday passes, tickets may be redeemed online for Snowbowl only. Redeem your buddy tickets here
Does my pass include food & beverage discounts?
The Power Pass and Power Pass Select include 10% off at select U.S. Power Pass resort restaurant locations with the exception of food trucks and outside vendors. Discount does not apply towards alcohol. Discount does not apply to Ten3 Restaurant at Sandia. To redeem, enter your pass number during check-out through the mountain’s online ordering system.
Power Pass for Kids 12 & Under
Is the Power Kids pass really free?
Yes! Kids ages 12 and younger at the time of purchase are eligible for a FREE season pass! There are no strings attached, no blackout dates, no purchase required — it’s truly FREE.
With our Buy Now, Ski Now option, you can start skiing immediately on your new 2024/2025 season pass purchased in the spring of 2024 If you want to use your pass right away, do not select free shipping at checkout. Instead, come to the ticket window to pick up your new pass.
My child turns 13 before next winter. Are they eligible?
The Power Kids pass is for kids ages 12 and younger at the time of purchase. As long as your kiddo is 12 when you register for the pass, you’re set.
Do I need to show proof of age?
Yes. You’ll be asked to submit legal paperwork that proves your child’s age (most parents provide a copy of their child’s birth certificate).
Do I need to buy something to get a Power Kids Pass?
Nope! There are no strings attached — this pass is really and truly FREE.
Will you ship my Power Kids pass?
Sure! Just make sure you select the free shipping option when you pick up your pass.
Does this pass come with any benefits, like discounted hot chocolate?
No, this pass provides direct-to-lift access only.
Mountain biking! Awesome! What about other summer activities?
Power Kids comes with FREE skiing and FREE mountain biking. Other summer activities like scenic chairlift rides or other cool stuff are not included on the Power Kids pass and must be purchased separately.
If you select the Season Pass Refund Option, your first payment includes the full cost for Pass Insurance. After the first payment, monthly charges on your credit card will be in equal amounts.
Still looking for answers? Email us at [email protected]
Download and view Payment Plan Terms and Conditions here
Download and review season passholder rules here