Snowfall: 24 Hr | Snowfall: Base Depth | Snowfall: Lifts Open | Snowfall: Trails Open | Current Weather |
0"24 Hr | 24"Base Depth | 4Lifts Open | 17Trails Open |
Our FREE February Fun Fest Weekend celebration includes a giant snow castle and mountain-wide scavenger hunt, with heaps of fantastic prizes and more fun than you can shake a ski pole at. Costumes highly encouraged!
Snow Castle (Saturday-Sunday)
Time: Opens at 9 a.m.
Every year, a giant snow castle is built by the mountain team at Sipapu. It’s a snow playground for all ages and the only one in New Mexico! Each year, the snow castle changes in design, but what remains constant is the sheer size, which is usually 2-3 stories tall, the unique creation of stairs, slides, flags, and plenty of places to play in the snow! The building of the snow castle begins the week before fun fest, and the castle stays up until Spring Break. The snow castle opens at 9 am on Saturday and is open for all to explore and enjoy.
All Day Yeti Scavenger Hunt (Saturday + Sunday)
Find the Yeti plush animals hanging all over the mountain. Find one and it’s yours to keep!
Costumes Encouraged!
Wear your favorite costume and join the fun
1 PM Games and races for ages 3-7
2 PM Games and races for ages 7-12